Making decentralised agricultural and rural services relevant, effective and efficient |
Innovation through action - An action research journey with smallholder farmers in Limpopo Province, South Africa: experiences of soil fertility management Ramaru, Hagmann, Mamabolo and Netshivhodza (2009) |
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Guía del enfoque EPAM: Extensión como Proceso de Aprendizaje Mutuo aplicado en la Cuenca Alta del Río Yaque del Norte en la Cordillera Central, República Dominicana Peter (2008) |
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Nuestro Reto Común: EL AGUA “Pago por Servicios Ambientales Hídricos en la Cuenca del río Yaque del Norte” PSA CYN EGEHID, SEMARENA and CORASAAN (2008) |
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Local and Regional Economic Development Hagmann (2007) |
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Reader: Reforming Rural Service Provision Hess, Ehret, Hagmann, Birner, Neidhardt, Schmidt and Braun (2007) |
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Reader: Extension and Research Approaches for Rural Development Hess (2007) |
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Facilitation for Change: Triggering emancipation and innovation in rural communities in South Africa Ngwenya and Hagmann (2007) |
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Cambodia Power redistribution through citizen participation and good governance Schwedersky (2006) |
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Navigating amidst complexity – Guide to manage R&D intervention for improving livelihoods and the environment Campbell, Hagmann, Stroud, Thomas and Wollenberg (2006) |
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Multiple-Use Water Services to Advance the Millenium Development Goals van Koppen, Moriarty, Boelee and Hagmann (2006) |
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Conceptual Framework for Rural Service Reform Processes: A Guide for Planning, Aligning, Implementing and Monitoring Anglophone Africa Ehret, Braun and Hagmann (2005) |
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Aprendiendo juntos para el Cambio Hagmann, con la colaboración de Guevara (2004) |
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Disillusion and hope of smallholders in Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic : is PROCARYN the right way to change the trend of forest deterioration? Peter (2004) |
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EPAM – Building systemic competence for local development Peter, Krebs and Hagmann (2004) |
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Chance, Change and Choice in Africa’s Drylands: A new perspective on Policy Priorities Anderson and Hagmann (2004) |
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Key challenges for institutions to operationalising INRM – From eco-regional and NARS Perspectives Stroud and Hagmann (2003) |
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Enhancing the adaptive capacity of the resource users in natural resource management Chuma and Hagmann (2003) |
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Guide to Rural Economic and Enterprise Development GTZ (eds) (2003) |
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Learning about developing competence to facilitate rural extension processes Hagmann, Moyo, Chuma, Murwira, Ramaru and Ficarelli (2003) |
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Success factors in Integrated Natural Ressource Management R&D: lessons from practice Hagmann, Chuma, Murwira, Connolly and Ficarelli (2003) |
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Lokale Organisationsentwicklung Hagmann and Schwedersky (2002) |
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Mainstreaming participatory approaches to SWC in Zimbabwe Murwira, Hagmann and Chuma and (2001) |
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Communal and Institutional Transformation in Public Agricultural Services: Lessons from the 90’s Connolly and Hagmann (2000) |
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Client-driven change and institutional reform in agricultural extension: an action-learning experience from Zimbabwe Hagmann with Chuma, Murwira and Connolly (2000) |
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Developing a framework for participatory research approaches in risk prone diverse environments Probst, Hagmann, Becker and Fernández (2000) |
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Facilitating competence development to put learning process approaches into practive in rural extension Hagmann and Moyo (2000) |
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Partizipative Innovationsentwicklung Hagmann, Breitschuh and Schröder-Breitschuh (2000) |
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Scaling-up of participatory approaches through institutionalization in Government services: the case of agricultural extension in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe Hagmann, Chuma and Murwira (2000) |
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Enhancing the adaptive capacity of the resource users in natural resource management Hagmann and Chuma (2000) |
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Tying-up loose ends: integrating soft and hard methodologies in NRM research and extension Hagmann and Chuma (2000) |
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Towards convergence of participatory innovation process and formal research in soil and water management – an example from Zimbabwe Chuma and Hagmann (1999) |
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Putting Process into Practice: Operationalising Participatory Extension Hagmann with Chuma, Murwira and Connolly (1999) |
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The evolution of participatory research and extension in Zimbawe Hagmann (1999) |
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Learning Together through Participatory Extension – A guide to an approach developed in Zimbabwe Hagmann with Chuma, Murwira and Connolly (1998) |
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Scaling-up of Participatory Approaches through Institutionalization in Government Services: the case of agricultural extension in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe Hagmann, Chuma, and Murwira (1998) |
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Farmers’ needs propel change and institutional reform in agricultural extension Hagmann, Chuma and Connolly (1998) |
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Institutionalizing participatory extension: experiences from Zimbabwe Hagmann, Chuma and Murwira (1997) |
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Is he the farmer or the farmer’s husband? Gender Hagmann, Chuma and Gundani (1997) |
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Kuturaya: participatory research, innovation and extension Hagmann, Chuma and Murwira (1997) |
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Propelling change from the buttom-up: Institutional reform in Zimbabwe Hagmann, Chuma, Connolly and Murwira (1997) |
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Towards convergence of participatory innovation process and formal research in soil and water management – an example from Zimbabwe Chuma and Hagmann (1997) |
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One-way, two-way, which way? Extension workers from messengers to facilitators Enters and Hagmann (1996) |
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Developing soil and water management technologies for small-scale farmers in the semi-arid areas: methodological concerns for participatory research Hagmann and Chuma (1996) |
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Improving the output of agricultural extension and research through participatory innovation development and extension; experiences from Zimbabwe Hagmann, Chuma and Murwira (1996) |
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Indigenous SWC in Southern Zimbabwe: a study of techniques, historical changes and recent developments under participatory research and extension Hagmann and Murwira (1996) |
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Learning Together: Development and Extension of Soil and Water Conservation in Zimbabwe Hagmann, Murwira and Chuma (1996) |
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Farmer participatory research in conservation tillage: approach, methods and experiences from an adaptive on-farm trial programme in Zimbabwe Hagmann (1993) |
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