PICOTEAM is a network-organisation with nodes in Africa, Latin America and Europe
  that supports efforts to bring about change and innovations for sustainable development.

PICOTEAM Ltd. PICO Southern Africa PICO Uganda PICO Tanzania PICO Latin America
PICO Academy for Practitioners PICO Knowledge Networking

Focal Area 2

Facilitating transformation of agricultural research towards relevant and effective innovation systems with impact

Sustainable intensification options for smallholder maze- based farming systems in sub- Saharan Africa.  
Klaus J. Droppelmann, Sieglinde. S. Snapp & Stephen R. Waddington (2017)


A systems and partnership approach to agricultural research for development - Lessons from Ethiopia
Abate and Hagmann (2011)


Implementing the SCARDA programme in the ASARECA region – insights and experiences in organisational change
Schwedersky (2010)

Regional Lesson Learning Workshop on SCARDA Change Management processes: enhancing synergy and coherence
Preparing scientists for society - A PhD training programme at Wageningen University, the Netherlands
Almekinders, Proost and Hagmann (2009)
Innovation through action - An action research journey with smallholder farmers in Limpopo Province, South Africa: experiences of soil fertility management
Ramaru, Hagmann, Mamabolo and Netshivhodza (2009)
Learning to Make Change – Developing Innovation & Change Competence in African Universities
Hagmann, Kibwika and Ekwamu (2007)
What Kind of Research and Development is Needed for Natural Ressource Management?
Campbell, Hagmann, Sayer, Stroud, Thomas and Wollenberg (2006)
Navigating amidst complexity – Guide to manage R&D intervention for improving livelihoods and the environment
Campbell, Hagmann, Stroud, Thomas and Wollenberg (2006)
Multiple-Use Water Services to Advance the Millenium Development Goals
van Koppen, Moriarty, Boelee and Hagmann (2006)
Aprendiendo juntos para el Cambio
Hagmann, con la colaboración de Guevara  (2004)
Enhancing the adaptive capacity of the resource users in natural resource management
Chuma and Hagmann (2003)
Planning in Muddy Waters – Orientation for Strategic Planning in CGIAR Center
Gardiner, Hagmann and Hahne (2003)
Success factors in Integrated Natural Ressource Management R&D: lessons from practice
Hagmann, Chuma, Murwira, Connolly and Ficarelli (2003)
Institutionalising participation in Eastern Africa research institutes
Opondo, Stroud, German and Hagmann (2003)
Understanding participatory research in the context of natural resource management – paradigms, approaches and typologies  
Probst and Hagman, with contributions from Fernández and Ashby (2003)
Innovation within the international support of agricultural research system
Balzer, Hagmann and Nagel (2001)
Communal and Institutional Transformation in Public Agricultural Services: Lessons from the 90’s
Connolly and Hagmann (2000)
Client-driven change and institutional reform in agricultural extension: an action-learning experience from Zimbabwe
Hagmann with Chuma, Murwira and Connolly (2000)
Developing a framework for participatory research approaches in risk prone diverse environments
Probst, Hagmann, Becker and Fernández (2000)
Partizipative Innovationsentwicklung
Hagmann, Breitschuh and Schröder-Breitschuh (2000)
Scaling-up of participatory approaches through institutionalization in Government services: the case of agricultural extension in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe  
Hagmann, Chuma and Murwira (2000)
Tying-up loose ends: integrating soft and hard methodologies in NRM research and extension
 Hagmann and Chuma (2000)
Towards convergence of participatory innovation process and formal research in soil and water management – an example from Zimbabwe  
Chuma and Hagmann (1999)
Homegardens –a neglected potential for food security and sustainable land management in the communal lands of Zimbabwe  
Drescher, Hagmann and Chuma (1999)
Putting Process into Practice: Operationalising Participatory Extension
Hagmann with Chuma, Murwira and Connolly (1999)
The evolution of participatory research and extension in Zimbawe
Hagmann (1999)
Learning Together through Participatory Extension – A guide to an approach developed in Zimbabwe
Hagmann with Chuma, Murwira and Connolly (1998)
Policirculación: un nuevo concepto forestal
Peter and Gascón  (1998)
Institutionalizing participatory extension: experiences from Zimbabwe
Hagmann, Chuma and Murwira (1997)
Kuturaya: participatory research, innovation and extension
Hagmann, Chuma and  Murwira (1997)
Towards convergence of participatory innovation process and formal research in soil and water management – an example from Zimbabwe
Chuma and Hagmann  (1997)
Perspektiven für partizipative Agrarforschung – Realistische Ziele statt übersteigerter Erwartungen
Neubert and Hagmann (1997)
One-way, two-way, which way? Extension workers from messengers to facilitator
Enters and Hagmann (1996)
Developing soil and water management technologies for small-scale farmers in the semi-arid areas: methodological concerns for participatory research   
Hagmann and Chuma (1996)
Improving the output of agricultural extension and research through participatory innovation development and extension; experiences from Zimbabwe 
Hagmann, Chuma and  Murwira (1996)
Indigenous SWC in Southern Zimbabwe: a study of techniques, historical changes and recent developments under participatory research and extension  
Hagmann and  Murwira (1996)
Issues of research design: free experiment versus controlled experimentation involving user participation
Chuma and Hagmann (1996)
Learning Together: Development and Extension of Soil and Water Conservation in Zimbabwe
Hagmann, Murwira and Chuma (1996)
Mechanical soil conservation with contour ridges: cure for, or cause of, rill erosion?
Hagmann (1996)
Use of donkeys and their draught performance in smallholder farming in Zimbabwe
Hagmann (1995)
Farmer participatory research in conservation tillage: approach, methods and experiences from an adaptive on-farm trial programme in Zimbabwe 
Hagmann (1993)
Klimaökologische Untersuchungen zur Erfassung und Bewertung des Weidepontentials an der Forschungsstation Ngare Ndare (Distrikt Isiolo, Kenia) 
Mäckel, Hagmann, Parlow (1991)
Hydrological investigations in a small drainage basin of an ephemeral stream in Ngare Ndare / Isiolo District
Jürgen Hagmann  (1991)