PICOTEAM is a network-organisation with nodes in Africa, Latin America and Europe
  that supports efforts to bring about change and innovations for sustainable development.

PICOTEAM Ltd. PICO Southern Africa PICO Uganda PICO Tanzania PICO Latin America
PICO Academy for Practitioners PICO Knowledge Networking

PICO Uganda

The Ugandan Institute for People Innovation and Change in Organization (PICO-Uganda) is one of the Chapters of a network of independent companies under PICOTEAM (www.picoteam.org). PICO-Uganda was incorporated in Uganda in March 2006 as a Not-for-profit organization, limited by Guarantee. It is located in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. The core team members of PICO-Uganda are:


  • Dr. Paul Kibwika, Team leader
  • Dr. Maria Gorretti Nassuna-Musoke
  • Mr. Ahmed Zziwa

Services and products we offer
We offer a range of services categorized as facilitationfor change; capacity development; and conducting research. The goal of our efforts is to contribute to economic and social development though enhancing the productivity and responsibility of individuals, teams and organizations.Our team members have a wealth of experience and expertise in facilitation, documentation of processes, training in higher education institutions, research for development and community development. We are privileged to access the expertise and experience in our sister PICOTEAM Chapters in South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Germany and Dominican Republic. Following is a brief on our services.

Facilitation for change
In our facilitation, we focus on fostering joint learning processes to enhance performance, creativity and adaptive capacity of organizations and teams to effectively meet their mandates and aspirations in a changing environment. Specifically; 

  • We facilitate strategic planning for organizations to effectively deliver on their mandates guided by a critical analysis of the contemporary and future challenges, opportunities and risks. With a high degree of client satisfaction, we have done this for many organizations including national and regional research organizations, Universities, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), and Government ministries.
  • We facilitate processes of transformation/reform of organizations to be more relevant to society and more effective and efficiency in delivering their services. In this, we support organizations and their stakeholders to refocus their functions in a futuristic view taking into account the changing environment of their business.
  • We facilitate project development and managementtaking into account the varied needs, participation and ownership by stakeholders. One of such project we have supported is “Strengthening Capacity for Agricultural Research for Development (SCARDA)” of the Forum for Agricultural Development in Africa (FARA).
  • We provide professional and high quality process documentation of multi-stakeholder engagements such as workshops and conferences. We do this to enhance institutional memory and to enable actions based logical synthesis and consensus by stakeholders. 
  • Facilitate and support proposal development for organizations as a strategy for resource mobilization towards fulfilling their mandates and aspirations.


Capacity development
We approach capacity development in a holistic way recognizing the different capacities needed in organizations and teams namely; technical capacity, managerial capacity and the social skills needed for personal development/ productivity.  Specifically; 
  • We offer Personal Mastery and Soft Skills trainingin a tailor-made fashion to develop capacities of organizations to build and fully utilize thepotential of teams and individuals in achieving their goals and mandates. The intention is make organizations become performance oriented and to take full advantage of the potential in their existing human resource to perform to their best.
  • We support organizations to initiate manage strategic and functional partnerships that enhance their relevance and delivery on their mandates. Today’s world of complexity relies more on cooperation and complementarity as opposed to individualism. 
  • We enhance the management and leadership of organizations through training and coaching anchored in the organizational challenges and contexts. For sustainable performance, we assist organizations to put in place a mentoring scheme for continuous development of future leaders/managers.
  • We support organizations to develop systems for Monitoring and Evaluation forInstitutional learning. The orientation is towards learning organizations based on a culture of continuous reflection and drawing lessons from what they do for purposes of improving performance and adapting to the changing needs of their clients.
  • We assist training institutions especially Higher Education Institutions (HEI) to develop relevant curricula that address both professional and development needs. Team members have championed development andimplementation of responsive undergraduate, Masters and PhD programmes in at Makerere University. 

Commissioned Research / Studies
With the strong academic background of the core team members, we offer consultancy services for commissioned research and/or studies in the areas of:

  • Innovations and innovation systems especially related to agricultural and rural development 
  • Baseline and scoping studies leading to development of interventions such as projects/programs and policies 
  • Agricultural extension systems, approaches and methods
  • Interactions of people and bio-physical environment including climate change and its impacts on society
  • Evaluation of training, research and development initiatives/projects in agricultural and rural development
  • Livestock, people and environment interactions
  • Agricultural and bio-systems engineering and forestry for community development
  • Crop production systems and management including biotechnology related research.

Strength of our core team 
The strength of our core team is the diversity of expertise related to agricultural and rural development. Our core team members are highly qualified and have experience in Higher education training and research for development.  In addition to their specialized training in the areas of livestock health and development; agricultural extension and innovation systems; crop production systems and biotechnology; and agricultural and bio-systems engineering, they have widened their expertise in facilitation, documentation and research. This mix of expertise is greatly complemented by diversity of expertise and experiences in our sister Chapters in PICOTEAM.

Our clients
We are continuous and expanding the number and diversity of our clients operating at local, national, regional and international levels. Here below we list just but a few of our esteemed clients:

  • Networks of Higher Education Institutions such as The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM)
  • National Agricultural Research Systems and Organisations such as NARO of Uganda, ISAR of Rwanda, ISABU of Burundi, NARC of  Sudan, etc
  • National Extension Organisations such as NAADS of Uganda
  • Regional and continental Networks for Research Organisations such as ASARECA and FARA respectively
  • Government ministries such as Ministries for Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries; Health; Energy and Natural Resource in Uganda
  • NGOs and Civil societies Organizations such as Kilimo Trust, SACAU, VEDCO, etc
  • International Women Professional Organizations/Networks such as  AWARD
  • CGIAR, such as ILRI, 
  • International development Agencies such as DFID, World Bank, McKnight Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, FAO

Our vision and mission 

Our Vision
People and their institutions bring out their full potential and creativity for their own prosperity and for a better society.

Our Mission
We facilitate creative change to strengthen adaptiveness and performance of people and organizations.


Address PICO Uganda
P.O. Box 16485,
