PICOTEAM is a network-organisation with nodes in Africa, Latin America and Europe
  that supports efforts to bring about change and innovations for sustainable development.

PICOTEAM Ltd. PICO Southern Africa PICO Uganda PICO Tanzania PICO Latin America
PICO Academy for Practitioners PICO Knowledge Networking

Experiences in AFRICA

PICOTEAM participated in a Feasibility Study to set-up a new GIZ programme in Colombia PICOTEAM participated in a Feasibility Study to set-up a new GIZ-program for strengthening capacities for biodiversity conservation, adaptation to climate change, sustainable management of protected areas and sustainable management of natural resources (Columbian Ministry for Environment). PICOTEAM provided the following services:
  • Key expert for biodiversity, adaptation to climate change, protected area and forest management during the fact-finding mission
  • Elaboration of the fact-finding mission report for GIZ
  • Elaboration of all relevant project documents for the German Federal Ministry of Development (BMZ)