PICOTEAM is a network-organisation with nodes in Africa, Latin America and Europe
that supports efforts to bring about change and innovations for sustainable development.
Experiences in AFRICA
Support to the CGIAR programme on participatory research and gender analysis (PRGA) | The PRGA initiative intended to further develop the participatory research approaches and gender analysis and their institutionalisation. With PICOs vast experience since the lat 1980’s we were resource persons for conceptual and operational support to the programme in various forms: firstly as a donor representatives, then as facilitator and coaches, then as recipients of small grants to develop methods and tools further and to assess impact of FPR. In workshops we presented keynote papers and facilitated learning among participants. 09/01: Learning workshop on South-South visits and sharing for concept development in Integrated Pest management, held in Chiang Mai, Thailand (FPR/IPM Initiative) 09/98: International seminar on ‘Assessing the Impact of Participatory Research and Gender Analysis’ (110 participants). Centre for international Tropical Agricultural Research Centre (CIAT) 11/00: Resource person in the international workshop of the System-wide Programme Participatory Research and Gender Analysis, held in Nairobi (CIAT). Moderation of 3 mini-workshops, pres. of invited keynote paper 09/96: GTZ/BMZ resource person in a workshop on a 'system wide initiative on participatory research and gender analysis for technology development' within the CGIAR, held at CIAT in Cali, Colombia. Presentation of two papers. Contracted by GTZ, section for international agricultural research 09/96: Moderation of workgroups in a seminar of the System Wide Initiative on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis for Technology Development' (CIAT) |
CGIAR 1996 - 2002 |